Our Program
Change is Simple’s super-charged STEM curriculum brings environmental, sustainability, and climate education to more than 8,000 elementary and middle school students in the Boston area each year.
We are an environmental educational non-profit that brings modern, relevant climate education to elementary schools in greater Boston. Our team is small but mighty, made up of educators, mentors and mentees, scientists, and artists alike. As the climate crisis continues to be a threat for future generations to come, our hands-on, fun, engaging lessons bring crucial foundational knowledge and the tools for the next generation to join us in the fight for our planet.
How we work…
We teach sustainability to children in a way that lights them up and shows them their own power to make a difference in their world — from their school, to their backyard, their town, and beyond.
Our integrated, multi-year sustainability programming is custom-designed for K-12 schools. Each grade level at each school receives its own unique programming designed specifically for its students and teachers. Our team designs the program with input from the classroom teachers and is aligned with classroom objectives. With lessons that build in scope and complexity year after year, these young students are becoming the next generation of ambassadors for our planet.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists and Environmental Stewards
During our hands-on workshops, kids learn by doing. Led by fun and enthusiastic college-student educators, the kids get their hands dirty with experiments, games, math, and hypothesizing.
At a young age when they are still developing their worldview, students explore how the food they eat, the energy they use, and the products they buy impact the world around them. They feel their own power to make a difference in their own lives where they live, learn, eat, and play.
“Teachers and parents see a genuine shift in kids’ thinking and behavior. Change is Simple not only inspires environmental action, but allows students to use math and literacy skills in real world applications.”
Unique STEM-Based Sustainability Curriculum
Our model is different from traditional, nature-driven environmental education. We shift the focus to childrens’ daily lives and how decisions at home impact people and ecosystems on a local and global scale.
Our programs are tailored to suit the unique curriculum goals of each elementary and middle school with which we work.
Transforming Classrooms
We aim to bridge the gap between the natural world and the highly complex modern world in which we all reside. This type of learning is fun, engaging, and relevant for all students. They are actively learning to create green household products, reduce their waste through a relay race, present climate and weather data through a TV broadcast, and even design their own sustainable cities. Through this new model, the power is in the hands of the students; they are transformed into scientists and engineers, and learning is brought to life.
See results from our program evaluation conducted by The Evaluation Institute.
Watch the impact the program can have on one student.