Today's Topic: Color Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to Change is Simple’s Online Learning Platform!

Overview: Today, we want to challenge you to take a break and enjoy the great outdoors! We challenge kids to bring their colored pencils outdoors and try to find plants, animals, and things outside that represent different colors in the rainbow!

Grade Level: K-6

Theme: ????

Supervision needed? Yes

Essential Questions: 

  • What objects, plants or animals can you find for each color?

Materials Needed:

  • colored writing utensils

  • blank piece of paper


Now that we’re a bit more familiar with the ‘why’ of it, why not get started? We at Change is Simple know how stressful of a time this can be, and we encourage you to make the most of the extra time you have on your hands. Color scavenger hunts are a low pressure, fun, mellow activity you can do at anytime! On my daily walk, I decided to snap a couple of color-based pictures of what I saw. It is amazing just how easily you stumble upon almost every color!

A vibrant, yellow flower petal!


an old, white bird bath. Surrounding it is some more beautiful, purple flowers

An ominous, gray sky….

An ominous, gray sky….


Some brown bird seed

want to learn a bit more about birdseed? View my wellness post on our website. These wellness posts feature some amazing outdoor tips, tricks, and stories from our awesome team of educators!

Make sure to keep an eye out for items that are…

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Now that you’ve completed the activity, take a minute and reflect on your experience.

What about the outdoors did you most enjoy? Will you make outdoor breaks a part of your daily routine?

Remind us, what did the video say about why it is important to cut down on screen time?

Did you enjoy today’s activity? Stay tuned for more, and in the meantime…

Send us a photo of yourself doing today's activity and if you would like, please share your name(s) and where you are from with!

Let’s see that paper!!