Waste Management

Welcome to Change is Simple’s Online Learning Platform!

Overview: Today we will be learning about sorting our trash (we call it waste), learning what bin certain items go into, and what alternatives we can make to our lives to produce LESS waste. Please enjoy today’s activity!

Grade Level:  3-5

Theme: Earth Systems

Supervision needed? No

Essential Questions: 

  • Why is reducing our waste important?

  • What is the best “R” action we can take to reduce how much waste we create?

Materials Needed:

  • One sheet of white paper OR the printed PDF of the worksheet

  • Computer, iPad, or phone


  • Ecological Health 13.4 Identify individual and community responsibility in ecological health.

  • Ecological Health 14.2 Identify ways the physical environment is related to individual and community health

  • 14.3 List practices and products that make living safer.

Activity 1


step 1: reduce, reuse & recycle

In today’s first activity, we are going to be watching a video! In this video we are going to be learning about how we sort our waste. While watching this video, use the worksheet below to write down the items that are described during the video! Feel free to pause the video when you need to write down an item.

Once the video is done, your job will be to come up with alternatives to each of those items. What could you use instead of that item?

             Item #                                                                             Alternative?

Item #1 _________                                                                __________

Item #2 _________                                                                __________

Item #3 _________                                                                __________

Item #4 _________                                                                __________

Item #5 _________                                                                __________


Step 2: alternatives

Watch this video about alternatives and how Eric applied some changes to his life that helps him have a positive impact on the environment!


step 3: reflection

Question 1: Which is the most important of the three R’s? 


Question 2: Choose an item and then describe why its alternative will have a positive impact on the environment. 



Question 3: What is one alternative that you want to apply to your life? Why do you want to apply that change?



step 4: additional learning

Want to learn more? We have a few resources for you if you’re interested in further learning!

Interested in learning about the specific types of plastics talked about in today’s lesson and how to sort them? Check our our awesome Change is Simple Video on Plastics!!


Did you enjoy today’s activity? Stay tuned for more, and in the meantime…

Send us a photo of yourself doing today's activity and if you would like, please share your name(s) and where you are from with cisonline@changeissimple.org