Social Emotional Learning Activity
Me and My Animal
Students will be continuing to think critically about how they are similar to an endangered animal. Animals are not so different from us, and connecting students to endangered species builds empathy and a deeper understanding about the world.
Me and My Animal worksheet (printed here)
Crayons/ colored pencils/ markers etc.
Laptop or tablet (optional for research)
Activity Duration:
20-30 minutes
Hand out the “me and my animal” worksheet to your students. They should choose their favorite endangered species that they maybe already know a little bit about!
Students will draw the endangered animal, and themselves side by side.
They will then answer the questions at the bottom of the page, explaining how they are different, and similar to the endangered animal.
Remind students to try their best and that it is important to remember that we aren’t as different from other animals as we might think we are!