Social EMotional Learning Activity

Youth for Climate Action


Students will reflect on Greta Thunberg’s speech at the Youth4Climate Conference in Milan and consider how they might take action or inspire others for a more sustainable future.


Activity Duration:

  • 45 minutes - 1 hour



  1. Discuss: Ask students if they know about Greta Thunberg. If they know who she is, ask them to discuss what they think of her. If they don’t, explain that she a young environmental activist who has been advocating for climate action worldwide.

  2. Watch: Play Greta’s speech from the Youth4Climate conference in Milan (linked here). Ask students to reflect on the speech using the worksheet on the following page.

  3. Reflect: Using the worksheet (print here), ask students to imagine themselves as young climate activists. They should write or draw their thoughts and feelings about the importance of taking action against climate change. Encourage them to express their creativity and emotions through their drawings or writing.