Social Emotional Learning
Watch and Discuss: Borrowed Light
In the short animation, Borrowed Light, the last patron of an abandoned observatory takes on an impossible task to show the surrounding city something incredible. Students will watch the short dialogue-free animation that shows us what happens when we turn off the lights. Throughout the film, they will reflect on their thoughts and feelings about the film in a Think, Pair, Share activity.
Borrowed Light Short Film
Activity Duration:
20 minutes
Watch Borrowed Light from DarkSky International and discuss with your class!
Get ready to think, pair, share. Place students in pairs or small groups before watching the animation.
Play Borrowed Light. Pause at the indicated times to have students think quietly in their heads and discuss the following questions in their groups.
1:00: Why do you think the boy taking the lightbulbs? Where is he putting them all?’
1:40: How do the people in the town feel about what the boy is doing? How do you feel about what the boy is doing?
3:50: Why was the boy taking the lightbulbs? How did the people in the town feel at the end?
Share your thoughts and feelings as a class about this short film.