Social EMotional Learning Activity

Life Cycle of Stuff: Natural Resources


In this activity, students will answer the prompt questions by choosing a side of the room to go to. One side of the room will be the “agree” side while the other side of the classroom will be the “disagree” side. Following the activity, students will participate in a short discussion that will focus on building classroom community and coming together to help the planet.


Activity Duration:

  • 30-45 minutes



  1. Explain to students that they will be participating in a movement activity.

  2. Set expectations to ensure students are making their way through the classroom safely.

  3. Designate one side of the classroom to be the “AGREE” side and the other side of the room to be the “DISAGREE” side. It may be helpful to either hang up signs that say agree/disagree and to form a line across the middle of the room to distinguish where each side ends.

  4. Go through each prompt (found here) and accompanying guiding question. Students will move to the different parts of the classroom in order to answer each prompt. While on their sides, ask the accompanying questions and invite 2-3 students to share their answers.

  5. Following the prompts and mini-discussions, have students return to their seats.

  6. Using the wrap up questions, spend 5-10 minutes discussing how students related to each other and how they can work together to create lasting, positive change.



  1. How did seeing the amount of people who were on the same side as you make you feel?

  2. Do you feel like we have the ability to make positive changes in the world around us if we work together?

  3. What can we do as a class today to make a difference in the environment?

  4. How will we persevere through any roadblocks that may arise while we are working as a team for our planet?